Saturday, September 22, 2007

On This Fine Day...

Well this is just as fine a day as any. It's sunny, breezy, and cool. I would have to check, but it has to be in the mid 80's or something. It's really nice, no kids, but there is a dog with an attitude problem as well as some lizards. But I thought I would put up the picture of Lulu sticking her tounge out for the world to see.

There really hasn't been much going around here. I am still deciding if I am going to go to a dinner at the Stirling Club tonight with the Company. I guess I could hang out with my mom since she is going. I know what I am going to wear if I do go so atleast that isn't a problem. I think I might take a nap in a minute though, just because I can, and that is if the dog will let me. I swear it's like having a 2 year old all over again. Whatever she can fit into her mouth she will and try to eat it. She has tried to eat the lizards but was not successful.

Well if I do go tonight I will post some pictures for all to see. Which reminds me I have to go and get some more face powder, I'm all out.

Well my love, I am sure that I will talk to you later and since you are in a room that has all of the pleasures of home now (minus me and the kids) I'm sure you will be reading this later today. But, I thought I would throw in a picture of me and Lulu in bed...I'm sure that you are highly jealous of this, but just remember she can't take your place...she's too Also, remember how I told you that she went and had her very first beauty salon experience? Well, doesn't she look so cute? I thought that she did anyway, my mom had to brush out the top of her head, I guess I should have take the picture with the bow in her head for you to see. It was really cute, it was orange and yellow and had two little pearls in it, it was a Halloween bow. I think next time I will only have them put on the pink bandana, since the rubberbands got caught in her hair. I love you and misses your kisses...



Cisco said...

The dog looks cute but I think you are cuter.
Particularly after you just woke up.

Ms. Marie said...

Awww...thanks xoxoxoxo