Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Closure of day 2...

Well with the kids tucked tightly into bed, Jenny gone and trying to figure out what the dog did in another room when I wasn't in there it is pretty quiet around here. I can feel a small bit of depression setting in from missing you. I want to call you to hear your voice, and I know I will tomorrow, but I am so used to talking to you before I go to bed at night that the thought of not doing so this night makes me want to stay up until about 4 in the morning so that I can talk to you then. But, enough with me day dreaming...

It's been a good day all around and the fact that I didn't have to pick up Anthony from school made it better. I was able to get 7 hours in as opposed to the 6 I would have if I left. I probably would have been able to work longer if Anthony didn't need my help with home work. When he was about done my mom and I went to the fabric store and got the stuff for my costume...I hope it turns out the way I think it will. I would hate to be the slutty Alice if it doesn't fit proper...I know you wouldn't mind, but I'm sure that parents would. :)

Nothing overly exciting happened today...pretty boring, after picking Olivia up I found out from her teacher that her character shoes don't fit, so I will either go with her to Capezio this weekend or tell Sandy and she can do it. Sandy invited me to the Ballet Under The Stars and I said ok, until I remembered I promised my dad I would make him a birthday dinner at the house. I figured that it's the least that I could do since he is going to help me with the lawn so I don't have to chop my hand off trying to start the lawn mower. I think he is looking forward to it. There won't be any kids, which sucks because it would be nice for them to see him on his birthday, but we can talk and do things in the yard, have a beer, ya know...Saturday stuff.

I think I will be going out on Friday...I don't know what in the hell I'm going to do, but the thought of coming home to this house is not appealing...but then I have the dog don't I?

As before missing you bunches doesn't really hit until bed time because then I have run out of things to do...I mean last night, I washed every last dish, washed clothes and even filled up the kids water bottle things the night before and put them in the fridge so that they would be extra cool even with the frozen ice thing in there. I guess staying busy keeps the thought of you away for a little while.

Until tomorrow my love...


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