Thursday, July 13, 2006

Same Old S*@*...

I have offically determined that I am old....

A conversation with a friend that I have known for what we calculated as 20 years (yikes!) was nice enough to point that out to me.

For a group of individuals, friends from high school and such, who swore up and down that they would never get old and still feel as if they are not....are getting older.

You can tell by the conversation that takes place, relationships, kids, just life in general. All of the grown up stuff that you never thought that you would talk about or even worry about.

Who ever thought that I would worry about what kind of bread is the best or compare prices on laundry detergent. Being able to give advice on how to remove stains is something that I thought would never come out of my mouth.

A typical day now is nothing to what it used to be....

1) 7:00am wake up.
2) 7:10am attempt to wake up children.
3) 7:15am attempt to wake up children again.
4) 7:20am one child wakes up and gets ready for school.
5) 7:25am still attempting to remove one child from bed...Anthony.
6) 7:30am threaten death to remove child from bed.
7) 8:30am fight with children to eat breakfast and gather their crap for school.
8) 8:58am yell at kids about being late for school and swearing up and down that they will
be going to bed much earlier so that we are not late anymore.
9) 9:00am drive to work.
10) 3:30pm pick kids up from school and deal with fighting in car...threaten lives again.
11) 4:00pm get back to work and make snacks.
12) 4:10pm fight with Anthony about homework.
13) 5:30pm go to school.
14) 8:30pm get out of school and wish I didn't have to go home.
15) 9:00pm put kids to bed.
16) 9:15pm homework.
17) 12am go to bed and dread waking up in the morning...

I remember when the thing that I worried about before Anthony was what I was going to wear the next day and what time I had to attempt to get to work. It's funny how things change along with priorities. I never thought that I would actually WANT to put as much effort into my realationship. WANTING to make it work and actually loving someone as much as I do.

Everyone who knows me knows the whole Kumar / Harman drama and how at the time the world was going to end and never be the same again. It's funny how things work out when you get older and those kind of things matter but not as much. It seems that when relationships end it's not as bad, especially if you have had past experience with them. You know that there are bigger fish in the sea and everything works out for the best. I think having Anthony has also made me look at a bigger picture and realize that if I don't have anyone else atleast I have little shmegal.


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