Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Recap on Life for Now...

So there has been a lot going on since I have written last, however nothing too thrilling either.

Olivia was recently on Fiddler on the Roof with her church and also had her ballet recital. She did so well in both of those I was so proud of her. She also celebrated her 8th birthday! I can't believe it! Both Anthony and her have grown so much so fast. I am getting to think that I don't know what to do with myself.

Cisco and I have been doing well since the last time I have written. I am holding off on leaving for a little while until I figure out what I really want and can set it in stone without putting forth empty threats. That leads to nothing but trouble and I know what I am talking about. He had his birthday too! He is soooo old now.

It has been really hard keeping up on this because I have recently discovered myspace and I have been blogging on there. It seems that no one reads them here and it is nice for some feed back sometimes and that is something that I have not encountered on here as of yet. I know that some people are more popular than others and the world of blogging is no exception. It's ok though my feelings are not hurt too much.

I have been going to school and being extremely busy with that though and I am glad for it. I think summer school will kill me but better now than never. Speaking of school it is time to go.

I will keep in better touch I promise.


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