Friday, June 30, 2006

Just A Thought Or Two...

I think that my thoughts are a little bit all over the place right now.

I found myself sitting on the couch lastnight organizing my CD case according to alphabetical order of artists. What in the hell?

I think that I am happy to be done with the first part of this semester but at the same time I find myself lost when I have no school work. I am used to keeping busy and when I am not, I find something to do. I think one of the more perfect excuses and examples was my inital thought of when I get home I am going to do nothing but sit on the couch and enjoy not having anything to do. Then as I got into the drive way my mind started racing as to what needed to get done.

Make dinner and feed the kids...

Clean up the kitchen...

Oh while I'm doing that I will clean all the counters....

Oh while I'm doing that I will clean the stove...

Oh while I'm doing that I will clean out the cabinet to make room for the kids' new lunch boxes...

Oh I might as well sweep and mop the floor (the mop part I didn't get to)...

I guess I will vacuum the living room...

I think I might dust the other living room while I am at it...

I might as well clean the guest bathroom since I'm down here....

Oh yeah and Anthony still needs help on his homework!

Well since Anthony refused to to the above mentioned item or atleast have me help him he was sent to bed an hour early. To his disaproval and I then could not finish the cleaning that I had embarked on. Instead I went to my car and got all my CD's. The Cisco was wondering what I was doing and just gave a thumbs up when I told him.

I cry about being in school and how much work I always have when I am there but now that I am out I am straining to find things to do to keep myself busy.

Oh and since I am here and I know that I should be doing doesn't seem like a fun option at this point.

I am thinking too much about going out tonight with the Cisco and what might be planned. He hasn't told me anything with the exception of telling me that we are going out for dinner and then leaked the fact that we are staying the night somewhere. I don't know where though. I have some strange feeling that something else is in the works but I am not sure as to what it might be.

I don't think he has ever been able to really keep anything from me in the way of a surprise, so now it is my turn to be surprised about the whole thing. I am excited and I cannot really think about anything else but that.

Anthony is a little upset with me cause we had previously planned a date to go to the movies, it's becoming a tradition for us to spend Friday nights together doing something fun, and I had to break the date. I think that I will make it up to him on Saturday or something. I think that he would like that.

Well I better go and get some work done so that I can show that I did something today.


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