Thursday, September 18, 2008

Are You Serious...

The only reason why I ask this is because I always thought of women being more considerate of other people and clearly more tidy. This thought went completely out the window last night while I was working. Now, considering where I work I thought that people would be far better at picking up after themselves, but I was wrong. I worked in women's clothing last night where they have the evening dresses and women's suits, working in this area means that you have to keep tabs on the fitting rooms as well as the sales floor and tending to customers. I didn't think that this would be that big of a deal because I had done it the week before in men's clothing and it was easy, walk in check the dressing room and then sign my name. Piece of cake!

Now the under world of women's dressing rooms is a far different can of worms. I personally am very considerate when I go into a fitting room, I hang up my clothes when I am done and if there is somewhere to put them I place them there. The women that I dealt with last night are under the impression that since I work there and I am getting paid to put clothes away and adhere to their every whim they think that it is ok to leave clothes piled in knots on the fitting room floor, strewn over doors and left hanging by one string. Now I just know there there are some of you out there that are thinking, well it is your job to put the clothes away and make sure the fitting room is kept nice and clean. Yes, it is, but there is also something called common courtesy. When I use the restrooms at work I don't forget to flush the toilet and throw my paper towels on the floor just because I know that there is someone that will come and do it if I don't (and there are people that do this too, I've been unlucky enough to witness it). The least you can do is hang the clothes back on the hanger, hell I'll zip it up and button it, but I shouldn't have to untangle it, figure out where the hanger could have possibly gone all while you are asking me for another size. I just think that is plain wrong. It's pretty bad when men are better at the fitting room game then women. I thought for sure that would be far worse.

It just makes me wonder if they do that s*** at home. Do you leave your clothes in a knotted up mess laying in a pile on the floor? If something falls off the hanger when you are going through your clothes do you just leave it in a pile at the bottom of your closet? The answer is probably not, so why would you do it when you go out to other places. Just because you are somewhere other than home doesn't mean that you should forget about your manners. Now I know there there are some people out there men and women that have no concept of other people in the world and they could care less and that is fine, I can spot those people from a mile away and I deliberately do not help them because I know that they will be very rude and thoughtless throughout the whole process, there for making it not worth my while at all with the exception of leaving me frustrated and pissed off. Now, the ones that surprise me are the ones that are very polite and are a joy to help, then they screw you in the end. I spent an hour helping someone find the perfect dress last night, right fit and everything. When I finished trying to help her, she decided at the register that she didn't want to get the dress and that she would try Sears and then when I went back into her dressing room she left all of the dresses in a pile turned inside out and thrown everywhere. I swear if I could have found her I would have killed her with a hanger.

So please next time you go to the mall or a store, even a Target. Remember to be nice. Like the old video store slogan..."Be Kind Rewind". It's not that you have to do these things, it's just nice sometimes to do something for someone else.



Yummerson said...

I often wonder that at work. The women's restroom is far more filthy than the men's.

the garbage can overflows and they still try to shove stuff in there.

They're far more inconsiderate.

Summer Ryan Doyle said...

I worked at Burlington Coat Factory when I was 16 and spent most of my time on the women's floor or in the dressing room. We got this kind of behavior all the time. Because of my experience I have never ever left a fitting room in that condition. These days, when I'm in a huge rush, I still hang the clothes back up even if I can't button or zip. Guess it gives you a real eduction when you have a job picking up after other people.