Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Petty Things...

I just read a blog that belongs to a friend of mine that I have known since the 7th grade and it really put some things into perspective for me. Not neccesarily for only myself but for those that are around me.

She just had a baby.

The baby is 15 weeks early and only weighs 1lb 3oz. It amazes me that the baby is able to survive right now, I guess she also said that the baby just had surgery. I don't know for what but the doctors were surprised the baby survived it. I hope that this baby makes it through ok without too many problems. She has three other kids but to loose any child would be devistating.

It hurts me to think of the things that she is going through right now. I whine about not getting any sleep because of school, but she isn't getting any sleep wondering if her baby is going to make it though the next hour.

I whine about not having Anthony for the weekend and having to share him with grandparents sometimes, but my friend isn't even able to touch her baby because of the dangers of him dying. I think now how lucky I am just to be able to hug and kiss Anthony when he is home. I don't know what I would do with myself if something happened to him and doctors told me that I couldn't hold him or touch him at all.

I don't talk to this friend as often as I wish that I could but I wish nothing for the best for her and her family.

I hope all turns out well in the end for everyone and I know that I will be praying for her and the little miracle that she has.


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