Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Madness Is Over! I Think.

Christmas is over. I am so glad especially since I think the meaning has been lost for some. It is a shame that it has turned into a materialistic holiday. I can understand exchanging a couple of gifts, but I have gone to some of the stores this past holiday and seen so many people loading up their carts. They do it as if these items are never going to be found again.

Do people buy into their children's love? I think a great deal of them do. I don't think parents spend enough quality time with their kids anymore. Christmas is no exception. Some parents are so busy going to this Christmas party and that party, of course none of them allow you to bring your child. That means a babysitter. It is a shame.

I loved Christmas as a child, we went to the same Christmas party every year and that was enough for everyone. We played games and hung around the house. My parents spent time with me and my brother. They did not just plop us in front of the television to make us go away for a couple of hours.

Now I admit I do that sometimes, but only when I am trying to get something done, which isn't accomplished very often without them being able to help or by them reading to me while I do it.

I passed by a church the other day driving to work and I saw the perfect note on the board, " The most important part of Christmas is the first six letters". Now I am not a heavy religous person, but that made me think( and since I do believe in Jesus and I don't think that we should stop saying Merry Christmas because it might offend someone ). There are reasons other than presents linked to Christmas.

That note is more relavent to people who are rude in the stores and drive like idiots around Christmas.

It is nice to get things on Christmas, but I don't think we should over do it. That is what I am going to think about before I spend a months paycheck on people who I think I need to buy something for next year.

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