Thursday, December 22, 2005

Kid Crazy

It must just be that time of the year but it seems like there are kids everywhere, including my own. I decided to take my vacation this week so that I could get some much needed IN time with my family.

However, now I think I am ready for the kids to go back to school. There is just so much to be done and so little time to do it in. I have always thought that it is much easier to do all of the things that need to be done without the harrassing of a child.

Whenever I am about to do something like going shopping or clean the house I usually make a list and decide that I have a certain amount of time to finish these chores. Now if you have to drag your kids along that schedule gets all messed up.

It usually starts the minute that you get the kids out of the car. There has to be a fight as to who pushes or who gets to stand on the cart. Then don't forget the numerous, "can I have that?".

God forbid if you ask one of them to get something for you, then it turns into a fight about who gets to help next, and regardless of how much you try to make them take turns it always turns into you "liking her better than me".

Don't get me wrong, I love my kids and I have a ton of fun with them, but when it comes to this time of year and I have so much to do. I think I would rather do it alone without the help of the little fingers.

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