Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Hung up on marrage

Why are women so hung up on getting married. I have been trying to figure this one out myself for the longest time. I want to know why I want to get married so much. I don't know maybe it is the thought of having the greatest party you will ever throw. Maybe it is the thought of how you would look in that glamourous dress. Maybe it is the thought of how you would feel by seeing the man that you love with every inch of your being standing at the other end of the path.

I wish I could be like the women that you hear about that are just fine with not being married and they have a wonderful relationship with their long time boyfriend. I have a wonderful relationship with my boyfriend also and there are no real problems. That is until I start to feel depressed, and start thinking about how I am going to be single for the rest of my life. Then I decide at that very moment that I am going to say something and most of the time it is out of anger and I regret it the moment that it comes out of my mouth.

I have gotten better at not mentioning anything like that to him. Maybe that is why this is a good idea. Atleast I can get it out of me and I don't have to worry about us breaking up again because I don't know when to shut up and enjoy a good thing. He always asks me why we have to get married and that he likes things the way that they are.

I think I am just starting to realize how old I am and sometimes I don't think that I have done much or atleast after being with someone for as long as I have (5 years). There is nothing to show for it.

This frame of mind is leaving me but sometimes it rushes back on me. I just wish that I didn't have to feel so hung up on being married.

1 comment:

running_half_free said...

relax a little. when the right time comes, he will propose.