Wednesday, December 02, 2009

This Must Be What They Talk About...

So I think that we have finally come to the point in planning this wedding where you butt heads together. When we first talked about the wedding we talked about having it in Northern California, we talked about Southern California and when those prospects were discussed with my mom...she said she may not come because it's too far out of the way for her to go. Cisco clearly looked more upset about what she said than I did. At that point I could care less because this was my wedding and I was going to have it where I wanted to have it regardless of who decided to come or not.

So I think after sleeping on it for a night, Cisco had mentioned how we could have the wedding here and it may, 1. Be easier since all of the vendors would be close and in town for us to go and look at. and 2. We could have more of our very close friends and family coming to the wedding. When he brought it up I mentioned to him how the number of invited people would be going up and he said he was aware of it.

So, at that point it was settled the wedding would be in Vegas afterall. I think the only rule that we both felt was valid is that we didn't want to have it at a Casino. Now that idea is still moving forward for the time being, and I have looked forward to planning this larger wedding. I personally don't think that it's too many people, because when I look at the list I wonder constantly how do I not invite some of these people without offending them. Many of them are very close family friends and family period. So I started looking at venues and other things...I've already picked out and purchased a dress that I have fallen in love with and have been looking forward to a real wedding; dancing, photographer, cake, food, drinks and lots of family to celebrate with.

Now due to the cost of some of these venues Cisco is backing up and turning around and saying how he wants to go on a beach somewhere the two of us to have the wedding. Which sounds wonderful, but now I'm longing for something else. I'm sure he is feeling the way he is because, 1. He doesn't want to spend a lot of money (which I don't either, but it will all work out.) and 2. He's already had the big wedding thing and it's not as important to him. I hope that he is able to see how important to me and I hope that we can work together to come to an agreement on something...


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