Monday, November 06, 2006

And So The Countdown Begins...

My birthday is this month. I guess it is something to be excited about. I have noticed, however, that during the past couple of years having a birthday isn't as exciting as it was in years past. I think growing up has a lot to do with it. I am begining to look at it as just another day on the calendar. It's ok, I guess. I think that I am a little disapointed. I thought that I would be doing so many other things and having so much more when I turned 25, 26 and now 27. I am beginning to accept it, or forcing myself to accept it. It's ok, it's just another day.



Anonymous said...

27, 37, 41

The difference in between is hardly noticeable...
Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!

Ms. Marie said...

Yeah thanks...something to look forward to.......................................................................................................NOT!

(...that was a know what a pause is don't you?)
