Thursday, May 17, 2007


I am so incredibly bored right now...I was playing some computer games and that became boring because I kept on loosing...and now well this is the only thing that I can think of doing. The kids are watching the "Powerpuff Girls" movie and I am not about to subject myself to that so I guess I can sit here and ramble for a few minutes.

Cisco's birthday is coming up soon and I am having a hard time thinking of what to get for him. He isn't helping because he keeps telling me he doesn't want anything. But I'll get him something, I just don't know what. Olivia's birthday is coming up also...they are only a few days apart. It will be nice to have her party and everything...and since her aunts always throw it and I'm never involved I don't know if I should be overjoyed because I can just go and leave or if I should be insulted for not being asked to have a bigger roll in things. Oh, well I have started not to care, but it bothers me every once and a while. It should be fun next weekend though. I'm sure by the end of it I will be complaining that I don't want to go out to dinner for a while and I will want to hide in the house for a couple of days to recover from being around too many people. I don't like people too much, they make me too anxious. I don't know where that problem comes from but it's starting to be too much for me to handle sometimes. Maybe I should go and see and just alcohol...that always helps with long as I'm not being paranoid at the same works just fine.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well sometimes life can be boring..i understand that..but for a blogger that boring time even finds its place in his/her blogs..glad to read your blogs..