Saturday, March 11, 2006

Snow? In March? In Vegas???

Yes, you read correctly and for anyone who lives in Las Vegas can tell you this doesn't happen very often but lately more and more.

Yesterday it snowed but it didn't stick. News reporters around here are now giving false hope to the fact that they THINK it might snow again today... so far no luck. I bet I am not the only one standing at the window waiting for something to happen. Going to the window is the closest I will come to going outside today. It's 35 - 40 degrees outside.

I'm just happy that for a day like this I don't have to work. I can sit at home have some tea, watch T.V. and enjoy the day. I don't think I will participate in it unless it does snow then I will have to get my son outside to play in it.

The last time it snowed really good was 2 years ago. Anyone remember that?

I do I had to drive to work at 5 am in it. That was horrible. My boyfriend and kids got to go home and play in it. It was about 1 or 2 ft. deep up in the Summerlin area. Everyone went to the park. It is the kid of park with steep hills, it's a resevoir when it rains, so everyone was sliding down the hills and playing. Making snow men and such. By the time I got home there was still snow on the ground but not that much. More brown snow than anything.

Well if it does happen to snow today I hope everyone will be able to enjoy it.


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