Thursday, June 25, 2009

One Of The Saddest Days...

I can't remember the last time I heard news that was so have two very influential people pass away in one day.

Farrah Fawcett was sick for quite a while and even though it wasn't just as shocking and as sad I think that people were just waiting to see how much longer she could hang on. I think that God was on her side since she had the money to travel to Germany and get treatments done, when there are many people that have had the same kind of cancer that she had and could not. I think those treatments definately helped her live a little longer than doctors may have originally expected. I didn't really grow up watching her and didn't know much about her except that she was a "Charlie's Angel". My thoughts are prayers are definately with her family this evening though.

Michael Jackson on the other hand was a complete shock. My brother's girlfriend first texted me about him passing away and right away I brought up CNN on my computer to see what was going on, and it was just saying that he was rushed to the hospital and there was nothing else to report at that time. My mouth dropped to the floor when I saw that he had passed away a few minutes later and I cried. It just didn't seem real. Michael Jackson couldn't have died, not yet. He was just way too young. I know that he has had a questionable past these last few years, but regardless he was truly a legend. So many landmark moves in his career and music. I grew up listening to Michael Jackson and watching his video's on MTV, I always thought that for the most part his music was just great. I never thought that at such a young age I would hear such news of an icon that I could relate to. I am thankful in one way to know that he has passed on to a better place because now he can truly be in peace. My heart goes out to his kids and family and I hope that he gets more positive than negative press on his life.


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