Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Appendix Anyone...

I was doing so good, going to the gym nearly everyday. I think I may have taken one day off during the week, but even then I felt guilty for doing so. I was really getting into bike riding. Was going pretty far, and getting good at it. I was losing weight, I could notice all my clothes fitting looser.

I went on a little mini shopping spree to get a couple new things for the new me. I didn't want to get too much because, I was going to be getting smaller...and pretty fast if I kept going the way I was. Unfortunately for me, one day after I bought those new clothes I got a nasty surprise.

The next day I was feeling so cold, just all of a sudden. I was shocked. The kids had come home from my mom's house and I was freezing, I had a fever! I didn't have a cough, runny nose, aches or anything. I felt fine besides being so damn cold. So later on that night it just got worse. The fever got worse and I had this unbearable pain in my lower back. I actually had to call Cisco to leave work early on an inventory night to come home. That's how bad it was.

That night it just got worse, and the next day it was bad bad. Around the afternoon Cisco took me to the ER. My blood pressure was pretty low and I still had the fever. The doctor thought that I had kidney stones or a kidney infection so he ordered a CAT scan and when he came in a couple of hours later he looked baffled and started pressing on my belly to make sure there was no pain, and when I said no he thought it was strange because I needed to get my appendix taken out. I was so shocked and upset when he told me. Cisco had been in the room with me all afternoon, and the one time that I sent him out to get me something is when the doctor came in to tell me that! He said that I would have to get my appendix taken out that day.

So at about 7:00 that night I was minus one appendix. It wasn't as bad as I thought. They did it through my belly button and two other holes in my belly, so at least it wasn't a big cut in my side or anything. The doctor that did the surgery originally thought that there wasn't anything wrong with my appendix but the test came back and it was.

I'm glad that it is over with now. I have about another 4 weeks until I will be back in full working order. I can't lift anything over 25 pounds, I can't run, I can't bike, I can't swim, I can't do much of anything. I can walk that's about it. I get pretty down sometimes because I think of how long it took me to get the endurance and the ability to want to go to the gym and work out everyday and now it's all been spoiled. I just don't want to get back to where I was before. I just have to get out and walk everyday. I just have to make sure it gets done and I don't fall off the wagon...:)


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