Sunday, July 15, 2007


They are something that cannot be entered into lightly. You have to have the desire, will, passion and determination to make it work and not let it die. Friendships I have found, are remarkably close to a romantic relationship in that way. If you abandon it and abuse it, it falls apart like any other relationship. Only when you have been on the end doing the abusing as well as the end that is feeling abandoned can you totally relate to the whole experience.

In ones life you may experience many friendships but only a small handfull will be of true substance and worth your time and energy. It's a completely heartbreaking thing when it seems like a frienship is drifting away like the hot summer winds blowing at your back. Relationships with others evolve, kids come along and eventually the friendships die away. I have only been able to hold on to a couple of friends from before I had my son and those are the ones that I cherish the most. I can admit that I have done my fair share of being a "bad" friend, by not calling people back or breaking dates that we made to do lunch or catch a movie. But when it happens all you can think about is, "I will call back when I have a minute" or "we can always go out another time". But as soon as you remember you have to call back or make another date it's been a month and feelings are hurt. The friends that are true will be through all of that with you and will be able to put on an understanding face in the midst of it. However, they will also let you know how out of line you were with your actions at that given point in time.

It's important to remember the people that are always there for you through it all. All of the late night phone calls when their heart has just been broken (or yours) and all the hugs that make everything always seem better even if it isn't. These are the friends that will continue to be there for you.

People get married and have kids, but when friendships are forgotten about what will you do when you need a break from it all, just to see a movie or gossip about nothings to eachother? It can be harder to have those relationships back if they are forgotten or placed on the back burner.

Love may endure, but friendships do to and like a good wine get better with age.
Cherish those around you and don't forget who got you where you are today. :)


1 comment:

Cisco said...

Thank you for the reminder.....