Sunday, July 08, 2007

An Anniversary...

So as I had mentioned before C and I came across our 7th Anniversary. I am beginning to wonder why I even call it an Anniversary as we are not married and never will be, but I guess it's because I have a lack of any other words to call it.

But, that is besides the point. The point is the gift he gave me. I enjoy when he gives me books because he knows what I like to read,or so I think and hope he does, and buys me books that I ultimately enjoy.

He bought me Steve Martin's novel "Shopgirl" for this special day. Now to me the book has a special meaning.

I had downloaded this movie onto my iPod a couple of months ago and watched it. It had moments of humor in it as well as a certain sadness that overwhelmed me at times. I think this is due to the overwhelming nature of Ray and Mirabelle's relationship. I think that it is just too familiar and I seem to be living in it to a certain extent. There are some parts of it that don't fit, but as far as I am concerned a great deal of it does.

I enjoyed the book a great deal and it was a bit different than the movie as all good and even bad books usually are, but the movie was very close to the nature of the book. It's hard to say which I enjoyed more.

To me books have always been magical in a way that is undescribeable. I was always getting into so much trouble as a little kid that I was constantly reading and part of the "Weekly Reader" club. I had all the great books like, "Freckle Juice", "Ramona Forever" and all the other classic 3rd grade readings. But whenever I would read it was like a movie already playing in my head, the characters had their look and voices and habits. I talked to some of my friends about this before and most looked at me like I was crazy, those of you who have my experiences with reading probably have had those same looks when you reveal what you see when reading. When I started reading all of the Harry Potter books a couple of years ago I was slightly dissapointed in looking at some of the actors because they were not what my "movie" had produced. I mean that means nothing now because I am such a big fan of the movies, but regardless.

I have started reading Steve Martin's other book that he has written. I have just started it so there isn't much to say about it yet. Except that the man that he is writing about is seriously having problems with OCD,obcessive compulsive disorder, it's slightly humorus the way Steve Martin is writing though.

Hopefully it will be just as enjoyable as reading "Shopgirl" it's definately been a while since I have read something that is hard for me to put down.


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